With effect from 1st February 2024, applicant’s residents in Slovenia seeking Passport/Visa/Consular services in Embassy of India, Ljubljana are required to deposit/transfer the exact amount of prescribed fees [Fee + ICWF Charge] into the bank account of Embassy of India - Ljubljana. The applicant needs to make separate fee deposit/bank transfer for each type of service. The Embassy does NOT accept fee(s) by Credit/Debit Cards Personal cheques or in Cash. Bank details is given under Head -Consular - Bank Details of Embassy of India - Ljubljana.
Applicants applying for Indian visa are required to fill the online visa application form (https://indianvisaonline.gov.in/) carefully. When filling out the form, please select for the field "Mission" the following option: SLOVENIA:LJUBLJANA, and fill in the dates appropriately using "/" and not ".". When submitting the applications for regular visas/passports, please scan your photograph with white background only and upload as specified https://indianvisaonline.gov.in/visa/index.html.
Visa applicants should then approach the Embassy of India with the printed application form and relevant documents for submission. Regular Visa applications are accepted on Wednesdays & Fridays in the morning consular hours (10:00-12:00 AM) only.
We have recently introduced fingerprint biometrics; therefore, all visa applicants are requested to come personally to submit their regular visa applications.
Please also note that bank cards (VISA/MASTER CARD/etc) are not accepted and visa fee is accepted in cash only (in Euro) by the Embassy against which a receipt shall be issued.
The processing of visa application normally takes one week.
Visa status is available at https://indianvisaonline.gov.in/visa/StatusEnquiry. Applicants may collect processsed visas after checking the status between 1400 to 1500 hrs on working Wednesdays and Fridays from Consular Section of the Embassy.
Please read the following instructions for a regular visa application
- The applications and fees for visa services will not be accepted by mail. The Embassy will not be responsible for any loss of cash sent/returned by post.
- Incomplete forms will not be accepted.
- Visas are valid from the date of issue. No visa can be issued from the date of travel. The Embassy will not be held responsible if a visa expires before undertaking or during the journey.
- Before taking delivery of the passport, the applicant must check the passport for correct Name, Passport No. etc
Types of Visa
Following types of visas are issued based on the purpose of the visits:
Tourist Visa
Persons who wish to visit India for tourism, sightseeing or for meeting friends and relatives would normally be granted a Tourist Visa. A Tourist Visa cannot be used for any other purposes such as business, education, research, journalism, social work etc. Tourist Visa is non-extendible and non-convertible. Each stay in India on a tourist visa should not exceed 90 days.
Business Visa
Business Visa is granted to a foreign national who wants to visit India to establish Industrial/business venture or to explore possibilities to set up industrial/business venture in India or wants to purchase/sell industrial products or commercial products or consumer durables.
Employment Visa
Employment visa is granted to a foreigner who desires to take up employment in India. For a visa of 180 days duration and more registration with the FRRO/FRO within 14 days of arrival is mandatory.
Conference Visa
A Conference visa may be granted to a foreigner whose sole objective of visiting India is to attend a conference/seminar or workshop being held in India. Conference visa will be issued for the duration of the conference and the travelling time.
Transit Visa
A Transit Visa is granted to travel through India to reach an ultimate destination. A person who is transiting through India has to provide enough proof of his travel plans by way of valid tickets for onward journey via India. Single / Double Entry Transit Visa, valid for a maximum period of 15 days, are issued to applicants who would be transiting through India. The maximum duration of stay permitted each time in India on transit visa is 3 days. For a stay beyond 3 days, an appropriate visa should be obtained.
Student Visa
Student visas are given to foreigners whose sole objective of visiting India is to pursue regular and full time academic studies at recognized institutions in India. The visa is valid for the period of study as approved by the educational institutions in India or for a maximum period of five years, whichever is less. Registration is required within 14 days of arrival in India, if period of stay is more than 180 days.
Medical visa
A Medical visa is granted for medical treatment up to one year or the period of treatment whichever is less with triple entries. Registration is required with the concerned FRROs within 14 days of arrival.
Medical escort visa
A Medical Escort visa is given to those who are accompanying a patient. Maximum of two escorts are permitted with a patient. The visa is granted up to one year or the period of treatment whichever is less with triple entries. Registration is required with the concerned FRROs within 14 days of arrival.
Research Visa
Research visas are given to Research Professors or Scholars. Visa will be issued only after clearance is received from the competent authority.
Journalist Visa
Issued to professional journalists & photographers, a representative of a Radio or Television organization and similar personnel in the field of information such as travel writers, travel journalists, travel promotion photographers, television producers, advertising, commercial persons and those who write on fashion, costumes and sports for three months (single entry) on submission of documentary proof (employment card or original letter from a reputed News/Media agency where they are working or by the office who have given them assignment in India) to visit India for any purpose other than film shooting.
Foreign journalists coming to India on long-term assignments (i.e. to be based in India), are advised to fill up the online form (http://pibaccreditation.nic.in/ under category New users select option – "I am applying through Indian Mission abroad) for issuance of PIB card simultaneously with submission of 'J' Visa.
Foreigners need prior approval to shoot films in India; both feature as well as documentary. Application for permission to shoot feature/documentary films has to be made to the Embassy in a prescribed format along with an undertaking.
Intern (I) Visa
It will be applicable for foreign nationals intending to pursue internship in Indian companies, educational institutions and NGOs. The period of visa shall be restricted to the duration of internship programme or one year, whichever is less. The intern visa will be granted immediately after completion of graduation/post-graduation but the gap between the completion of graduation/post-graduation and the commencement of the internship should not be more than year. Foreign nationals granted visa for internship will have to register with FRRO/FRO concerned within 14 days of arrival if continuous stay is more than 180 days. The sponsoring company will give an undertaking that they will ensure departure of the foreigner on completion of the internship.
Film (F) Visa
This category visa would be applicable for foreign nationals who propose to go to India for shooting a feature film, TV/Web commercial show/series and TV/Web Reality show/ series. The permission for shooting these categories of production is granted by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MoI&B), Government of India. The proposals are accepted and process by the Film Facilitation Office (FFO). The application is to be submitted online on www.ffo.gov.in. The detailed step guide is available on the website.
For any assistance in this regard, please write to ffo@nfdcindia.com , Film Facilitation Office, National Film Development Corporation, 4th Floor, Soochna Bhawan, Phase 1, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi- 110003 Tel No.: +91 11 24367338.
Once the shooting permission is granted by the MoI&B, the cast and crew members of the approved project are required to apply for Film Visa online on visiting website : www.indianvisaonline.gov.in and submit the printed application along with all the necessary documents to the Embassy.
No registration will be required with Foreigners Regional Registration Officers (FRRO)/Foreigners Registration Officer(FRO) if the stay during each visit does not exceed 6 months. If the aggregate stay in India on Film Visa exceeds 6 months in a calendar year, the foreigner will have to get registered with the FRRO/FRO concerned.
Note :
1. Foreigners being given Film Visa should refrain from commenting on any issues relating to insurgency (if any) in the areas, participating in missionary activities, meeting banned outfits or its overground/ underground functionaries.
2. They should strictly adhere to the norms and regulations of foreigner’s guidelines during their stay in the country and visit only the areas permitted for their visit. They should not visit any restricted/ protected area or prohibited place (as defined under the Official Secrets Act, 1923) without prior permission of the competent authority.
3. Money transaction for shooting of film should be done as per RBI guidelines.
4. No tacit agreement should be made by any foreigner (on Film, Journalist/business/employment visa or otherwise) to engage or open Indian company, registered under ROC or NGOs to involve in film/documentary making, not commensurating with national interest.
5. There is no change in the procedure for processing of shooting of documentary film/ advertisement film in India by a foreigner and the existing guidelines pertaining to ‘Journalist’ will continue to be applicable
Entry Visa
For all other purposes, like dependents of students/research visa holders, members of sports teams, scientific/mountaineering expeditions etc., persons of Indian origin, Entry Visas can be obtained, depending on the purpose of visit, eligibility, on a case by case basis. Registration is required within 14 days of arrival in India if the stay is more than 180 days.
Visa for Nationals other than Slovenians
The visa applicant of a nationality other than Slovenia should normally apply for visa to the Indian Embassy in the country of his/her citizenship. In extraordinary circumstances, Indian Embassy in Ljubljana may grant visa. However, in such cases, visa shall be granted after the Embassy receives clearance from the Indian Embassy situated in the country of original residence of the applicant. The visa fee will, however, depend on the nationality of the applicant, type and duration of the visa required.
Transfer of Long Term Visa
In order to transfer a long-term visa from an old passport to a new one, applicants are required to submit the old passport which holds the valid Indian visa and the current valid passport. Existing Indian Visa should be valid for more than 30 days on the day you apply for transfer of visa.