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Obisk indijskega ministra za zunanje zadeve v Sloveniji, na Hrvaškem in Danskem (2.- 5. 9. 2021)

Objavljeno na: September 01, 2021 | Nazaj | Natisni

External Affairs Minister Dr. S. Jaishankar will pay an official visit to Slovenia, Croatia and Denmark from 2-5 September 2021.

EAM will be in Slovenia from 2-3 September 2021. Slovenia currently holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, and has invited EAM to attend an informal meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of EU Member States on 3 September 2021. EAM will also hold a bilateral meeting with the Foreign Minister of Slovenia H.E. Dr Anze Logar, apart from calling on the Slovenian leadership.

EAM will attend the Bled Strategic Forum (BSF) being held in Slovenia, and participate in the panel discussion on "Partnership for a Rules Based Order in the Indo-Pacific”. He will also hold discussions with his EU counterparts on issues of mutual interest.

During his visit to Croatia on September 3, EAM will hold bilateral talks with Foreign Minister H.E. Mr. Gordan Grlić Radman, and call on the Croatian leadership.

During his visit to Denmark on 4-5 September, EAM will co-chair the 4th round of the Indo-Danish Joint Commission Meeting (JCM) along with Foreign Minister H.E. Mr. Jeppe Kofod. The JCM will undertake a comprehensive review of our bilateral cooperation under the Green Strategic Partnership, which was established during the Virtual Summit in September 2020. EAM will also call on Danish dignitaries.

The visit of EAM will provide an opportunity for reviewing the progress in our bilateral ties with the three Central European countries, and for strengthening our multifaceted relationship with the EU.

New Delhi
01 September 2021

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