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Štipendije za mednarodne raziskovalce na doktorskem študiju s področja tehnologije na IIT Hyderabad

Objavljeno na: October 08, 2021 | Nazaj | Natisni

Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad (IITH) announces call for the second round (for admission for the January-May 2022 academic semester) for the Fellowship for International Research Scholars in Technology (FIRST@IITH) scheme to support bright and motivated international scholars for pursuing PhD at IIT Hyderabad with full financial support.

IITH is one of the six new premier Indian Institutes of Technology established by the Government of India in 2008 in Hyderabad. The top-ranking institute currently has 243 faculty members, 3,397 students (20% women), nearly 200 state-of-the-art laboratories and 5 research and entrepreneurship centres.

More information on the fellowships is available in the attached flyer and at: https://iith.ac.in/iar/FIRST-FELLOWSHIP/. The completed application forms may be sent directly to first.iar@iith.ac.in before the last date for application – 30 October 2021. Embassy of India will be pleased to assist the interested students. Please contact Ms Bhawna Dhingra at amboffice@mea.gov.in.