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Revised dates for the Surajkund International Crafts Mela 2022: 19 March to 4 April 2022, at Surajkund, Haryana

Posted on: March 01, 2022 | Back | Print

Embassy of India



E&C wing


Revised dates for the Surajkund International Crafts Mela 2022: 19 March to 4 April 2022, at Surajkund, Haryana

Government of Haryana has announced that the 35th Surajkund International Crafts Mela 2022 will now be held from 19 March to 4 April 2022.

The Surajkund Crafts Fair (Mela), jointly hosted by the Surajkund Mela Authority in collaboration with the Union Ministries of Tourism, Textiles, Culture, External Affairs an Department of Tourism, Government of Haryana and Haryana Tourism Corporation, is one of the largest crafts fair in the world.

For the 35th Surajkund International Crafts Mela-2022, the state of Jammu & Kashmir has been selected to be the Theme State and the United Kingdom as Partner Country. Moreover, at least 20 countries and all the states of India will be participating in the Mela.

The Surajkund Mela is also opportunity to showcase the richness and diversity of the handicrafts, handlooms and cultural fabric of foreign companies in India, which is visited by large number of tourists, Craftsmen and participants from both all over India and overseas. Vibrant cultural troupes or artisans will showcase the handicraft heritage of their respective countries.

For more information, may kindly contact Mr. Rajinder Kumar Sharma, e-mail: haryanatourism74@gmail.com