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National Tribal Dance Festival 2021 in Raipur, Chhattisgarh

Posted on: October 08, 2021 | Back | Print

India as a nation is blessed with rich tribal traditions and cultures. Chhattisgarh State Government takes pride in safeguarding, conserving and developing these traditions and wishes to give due recognition to such cultures. The forest of Chhattisgarh have treasured Indian tradition and have witnessed various mythological events depicted in epics like Ramayana and Mahabharat.

ICCR (Indian Council for Cultural Relationships) will be hosting the second National Tribal Dance Festival from 28th to 30th October 2021 in Raipur, Chhattisgarh. On this vibrant Festival will be showcased prominent and colourful tribal dance forms of Indian country.

You’re kindly invited to join us either on the co-creating this special event or simply participating as a viewer of all those beautiful different dance forms during the Festival.

Source: http://tribalfest2019.in/