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India Mango Festival workshop: "If you manage to penetrate India, you can sell anywhere"

Posted on: May 22, 2019 | Back | Print

In order to present successful business practices of Slovenian companies in India, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia organized, in cooperation with the members of the Slovenian-Indian Business Council and the Embassy of India, an India Mango Festival workshop on 16 May 2019.

The Director General of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (GZS), Ms. Sonja Šmuc, MSc., first thanked the directors of participating companies for their willingness to speak and share their diverse business experience with other participants of the event. The increased interest of Slovenian companies in doing business with India has also directly reflected in trade statistics. 28% growth in exports was recorded last year, and export figures totalled EUR 111 million, while there was 37% growth in imports, which totalled 251 million.

The Head of Marketing of the Embassy of India, Žaneta Statevska, then presented the Indian economy as one of the world's fastest growing economies, which is becoming increasingly interesting for foreign companies because of the current government measures, especially under the "Make in India" initiative and in the scope of cooperation in infrastructure projects. 

The presentation is available HERE. 

The main part of the event was dedicated to the presentation of the experience of Slovenian companies operating in the Indian market using different business models, from the concept of engineering of industrial heat treatment equipment with partial localization of component production, to a joint development project of electric motors for light electric vehicles and the placement of services for improving the well-being and quality of life, primarily intended to Indian multinationals and foreign corporations operating in India.

Dr. Simon Mandelj, director of GEM Motors Ltd. says: "If you manage to penetrate India, you can sell anywhere. Personal contacts and trust are key to making a deal; moreover, customers are usually looking for developed products at a very low price."

Hugo Bosio, Director of Bosio Ltd. says: "The market is perspective but also demanding, mainly because of the distance, the already present competition from the EU and Russia and a different, special way of doing business and communication, which requires a great deal of patience. Negotiations are demanding, Indian partners are skilled negotiators, good traders. Once you are successful in finding the right business partner, localizing a part of the production of components for demanding industrial products, business success is guaranteed."

Janez Uplaznik, Director of Mikropis Holding and Dr. Eva Kovač, Vice-President of the 24alife, mentioned the welcome assistance of the Slovenian Embassy in India, which helped them to get in touch with the decision makers of select Indian multinationals. "In the beginning, we were training Indian personnel in Slovenia where it was easier to master the educational and work processes for us. Considering the scope and prospects of the business, we established our own company in New Delhi, and we are now opening an office in Bangalore. Making business is slow, it takes perseverance and a great measure of patience."

The moderator of the event, Andrej Vrbančič, Director of Gravitav, explained on the basis of his own experience and confirming to the other interlocutors: "Genuine personal contacts are a prerequisite for doing business, a good psycho-physical condition is required in order to be able to work and stay in India. If one year is needed in Slovenia to complete a project, this means two years in India. Companies which would make joint ventures in order to penetrate India could make the deal more easily and it would also be cheaper."

Answering the questions of participants on future economic growth of the Indian economy, Ambassador of India, HE Param Jit Mann, said that a high annual economic growth of more than six percent is expected in the future.

Questions from the audience followed, after which Swara Manduskar presented the mango, which was followed by networking among the participants while tasting sweet dishes made of mangoes.

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