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The First World Solar Technology Summit, the 8th September, 2020, from 11:00-16:00 PM (GMT)

Posted on: August 28, 2020 | Back | Print

The First World Solar Technology Summit (WSTS) aims to bring together key stakeholders and innovators from the governmental, non-governmental and private sectors to discuss recent developments in the field of solar energy and related market trends.

The primary objectives of this Summit are to showcase the stat-of-the-art next generation solar technologies that can help countries leapfrog to a decarbonized grid, achieve SDG7 and promote the uptake of other solar applications. ISA will aslo deliberate on the way forward to make available technology at a reasonable and affordable cost for all.

The Summit will be addressed by a galaxy of speakers that include Hon'ble Ministers from Government of India and several ISA member countries, Nobel Laureates, CEOs of global technology companies, academicians, innovators and pioneers in research from accross the world.

For more information please follow the link: https://isolaralliance.org/